13 Dec 2019

Interim Report

So far, we have met with the PO twice, and we have a pretty clear vision on what our plan is when we really start working on the project at the start of next year. We are going to use a Raspberry Pi with some sensors and a cellular connection to display data regarding air quality using Microsoft Azure. We want to be able to monitor air quality and notify the user, if target values for different air quality metrics are exceeded. We are also interested in using a 3D-model of our school to display the data, but we are not yet sure if we are going to have access to the 3D-model.

For now, we have divided the work to three different parts of the project: The Raspberry Pi and the sensors, machine learning, and coding. Matti, Rami and Sami will work on the Pi and the sensors, Minh, Ife and Eetu on machine learning and Jan, Patrik and Pyry on the code. In addition to these tasks, Rami is our project manager, and Matti is our project contact person.

Our desired end result is to get the Pi and the sensors to work in a way, which allows us to monitor and display data on room temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity in a visually pleasing way.

3 Dec 2019

Week Report - Week 48 - Preparations

Tuesday 26.11.

On Tuesday we had a lecture on prototyping. Which in our project's case is a plan on how we are going to conduct our sensing in the classrooms. We started this planning already last week so we were ahead of schedule a bit. But we did continue those plans and they will be posted on the blog as a separate post.

Friday 29.11.

Friday we didn't have a lecture, so we just had a group meeting about the state of our project. Next Tuesday we have a PO meeting where we will be introduced to the sensors that we will be using. We also made a base PowerPoint presentation for our upcoming presentations or pitches about the project.